Get in touch…
Media Enquiries
Michael Cope - President
W: 3223 5939
M: 0432 847 154
You can reach us at:
Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
PO Box 2281
Brisbane QLD 4001
0409 574 318
Alternatively, send us a message using our Contact Form:
Useful Links
Whilst the QCCL is an independent organisation, there are plenty of groups fighting for Civil Liberties in this country. The following list contains organisations who are also diligently working to protect human rights and civil liberties across Queensland the rest of the nation, or who provide opportunities for citizens to get involved in law reform processes.
NSW Council for civil liberties
A sister-organisation of the QCCL, the NSW Council for Civil Liberties (NSWCCL) was founded in 1963 with the aim of protecting the rights and liberties of persons in NSW. The Council monitor and fight against infringement of these rights and liberties and the abuse of power by government, its agencies and others.
civil liberties australia
Based in the ACT, Civil Liberties Australia is an independent organisation which also seeks to promote civil liberties at both State and Federal levels of government. It is non-party political and, like its funded by its members and donations.
queensland law reform commission
The Queensland Law Reform Commission is an independent statutory body established under the Law Reform Commission Act 1968. The Commission makes recommendations for law reform in reports submitted to the Attorney-General which are required to be tabled in Parliament.
australian law reform commission
The ALRC undertakes research and provides recommendations to reform the law on topics selected by the Attorney-General of Australia. ALRC recommendations do not automatically become law, however over 85% of ALRC reports have been either substantially or partially implemented—making the ALRC one of the most effective and influential agents for legal reform in Australia.
liberty vic
Liberty Victoria traces its roots to 1936. For more than eighty years we have advocated for civil liberties and human rights. These are spelled out in the United Nations’ international human rights treaties, agreed to by Australia. We speak out when such rights and freedoms are threatened by governments or other organisations.
Queensland Government consultation portal
The Queensland Government often seeks community input through online surveys in response to proposed legislative changes. If you have ideas about a particular issue and want to provide individual feedback, you can have your say here.
law council of australia
The Law Council a federal organisation representing the Australian legal profession on national and international issues, on federal law and the operation of federal courts and tribunals. It works for the improvement of the law and of the administration of justice.
Australian human rights commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission is an independent statutory organisation, established by an act of Federal Parliament, that protects and promotes human rights in Australia and internationally. The Commission conciliates discrimination complaints, holds public inquiries, and develops education resources for schools and workplaces. It also provides legal advice to courts, make submissions to parliaments and governments, and initiate research into human rights and discrimination issues.