Posts in Letters

It is our position that reverse onus offences are never justified, as the burden of proof should always be borne by the State, with its superior powers and resources. However, since this is unlikely to be accepted, we submit that if members of the public must have the burden of proving their innocence, then the evidentiary standard must be possible for a private citizen to feasibly challenge, and judges must have sufficient discretion to ensure a fair trial. The scheme as currently implemented satisfies neither of these criteria. 

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Pretrial Publication Of Criminal History - Complaint

In making this complaint it is recognised that the event which caused the death of the person driving the car that was hit by the accused person is a significantly and deeply tragic event. It is because of the understandable public outrage that follows such an event that the pretrial publicity rule forbidding publication of an accused’s criminal history exists.

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Answers to Questions on notice from Community Safety and Legal Affairs C'ttee

The proposal that ‘associates’ can have a Firearm Protection Order made against them simply because the associate ‘knows’ a recognised offender is objectionable because of the width of the provision and the effect that an FPO can have on that associate’s ability to hold rural employment.

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Joint CCLs letter re Migration Amendment Bill 2024

We are particularly troubled by the objectives apparently underpinning the legislation, including exclusion of entire nations from migration to Australia, further criminalisation and exposure to imprisonment and detention of people seeking safety in Australia, and circumvention of the impact of a prospective High Court decision regarding unlawful administrative detention.

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Answer to Question on notice -Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework

in our view the Federal Act should contain a provision similar to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation which provide that the Act is not intended to exclude or limit the operation of a law of a state (or territory) that furthers the objects of the Act and is capable of operating concurrently with the Human Rights Ac

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Office of the Independent Assessor

It is this Council’s view that the Courier Mail has raised important public issues as to the extent to which the OIA may be improperly exercising its powers where it is arguably contrary to the provisions of the OIA’s statute with the result that free speech incursions are occurring in relation to the ability of Local Councillors to exercise their public duty to engage in appropriate criticism of matters affecting Local Government in Queensland

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Journalist Shield Laws

In formulating our views on what such a law should look like we have had regard to the principle that the press is and must be independent from government and has a presumptive though not unconditional right to seek out the news. Freedom of speech is rooted in a distrust of the government’s capacity to regulate speech particularly political speech where it is in a position of a conflict of interest. This conflict is no starker when it is seeking to restrain the use of embarrassing information obtained by journalists

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COVID-19 & Automatic Number Plate Recognition - More Mass Surveillance

The QCCL has written to the Commissioner of Police asking for comment in relation to reports that police are using ANPR (Automated Number Plate Recognition Technology) to charge people with breaching the Home Confinement Direction by travelling more than 50km from their home.

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